SEBA, first sponsor for the 6h Roller de Paris !!!

And only on week before registration prices increasing !
Originally from Paris, SEBA logically supports the 6h Roller de Paris, being the main sponsor. Thank’s to SEBA !
The team will run a stand on Sunday, 7th August and will organize the SEBA SPRINT RACE, an indicidual race on 60 m, with a lot of prizes to win ! So, come and test your speed !!!
Known for Freestyle and Freeride, the brand will present its famous Marathon skates !

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New timing for this year!

For this year, the timing for the 6h Roller de Paris will be done by the Ligue du Centre, who is allready working with a lot of 6h roller races !!! Every one will have his own chip, with its own times ! You may also follow the live rankings. Thanks to Maryse and Pascal!

So, this year we’ll have a nice track, with a great timing! So take your rollers for new records, on the track or during the SEBA Sprint Race !!!

Registrations on
Be carefull, prices increase on June 15th!!!


Here is the new circuit for the 6h Roller de Paris !

It is close to the one of last year, with a wide road of good quality. For sure, new records will be break on this track and every one will have fun !
What is changing for this year :
The road quality is better, without dangerous section. The zone for the relay handover is wide and smooth !
There is a new pathway in the woods… to skate in the shade !
For this year, there is no difficulty. The track only has a really slight uphill and the U-turn on the Avenue Reine Marguerite is on a very wide road.
We are waiting for you to come to the 6h Roller de Paris 2016, with the SEBA Sprint race ! Register before the prices rise on June 15th on !

New prize for the best fancy dress !

During the last races, we noticed that some of you were wearing funny clothes… 😉
This year, we’ll give a special prize for the best fancy dress ! So, be creative !

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The forum is open !

Around 20 teams registered at the 6h de Paris ! If you’re looking for team-mates to complete a team, post it on the forum :

Registrations at the 6h de Paris are now open !

This race is open to every one, competitors or beginners, come with friends, with your family, with quads or rollers! Like every year, you will find sport, fun, activities and a lot of prizes!

Register on:

For the registration opening, we present you the new poster for the race !
This year, we wanted to highlight women, who are more and more in these races.
Thank you to Mélanie Choisnard – mcgraphiste for doing this poster.


As a reminder: the 2nd stage of the Challenge Endurance Grand Nord, the Rollers Day in Sainte Adresse, is in one week. There’s only a few days left to register !

Register at the 2nd race of the Challenge Endurance Grand Nord !

Only one week left to register at the second step of the Challenge Endurance Grand Nord : the Rollers Day in Sainte Adresse !
Register on
There are already several teams registered at the Challenge !
As a reminder, to be registered at the Challenge, your team name must be the same for all races !

Let’s go for the Challenge Endurance Grand Nord ! 

The challenge starts on Saturday 3rd april with the 6h de Mont-Saint-Aignan292 skaters in 101 teams will compete in this first step !
So before registration opening (in two weeks), come to support the skaters and to take part in the activities ! 
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Registrations open in one month !

Registrations for the 6h Roller de Paris will open in only one month !
To get ready, you can do the other races of the Challenge Grand Nord ! You can register for 2 of the races on : the 6h de Mont Saint Aignan and the Rollers Day in Sainte Adresse !
Register quickly for the 6h de Mont Saint Aignan… Only one week left before registration closing.

This year, a new challenge starts : the “Challenge Roller Endurance Grand Nord” !

It consists of of 4 races :
– 3rd April 2016 :  6h Roll’en Seine – Mont Saint Aignan Roller Skating
– 24th April 2016 : 2h du Havre – Association Roller and Caux
– 12th June 2016 : 6h de Beauvais – Association Beauvais In Line Roller
– 7th august 2016 : 6 h de Paris – association PUC
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You get points according to your ranks in all races. To be ranked in this challenge, your team have to participate in at least 2 races.

The challenge starts soon with the 6h Roll’en Seine. Registration for this first step will be closed in one month ! So register now on !!!