Category: News

2 days before registration closure!

Only 2 days before registration closure!
Registrations will be closed on Sunday 30 August at 11:59 PM!

Register on:

Registration closure in one week

Only one week before registration closure!
End of the registrations on Sunday 30th August, at 11:59 PM.

Register on

The trophies of the 6h Roller de Paris

The trophies of the 6h Roller de Paris !

Register on !!!

A lot of prizes to win!

This year, you may win a lot of prizes on the podium or by drawing lots thanks to our sponsors: SEBA, EO Skates, Ligne Droite, SILA, HawaiiSurf, Cristaline, Courtyard Marriott…

So register on !!!

The video of the route!

Only one day to register at the 6h Roller de Paris at a reduced price!
To be motivated, the video of the route!
(The paths will be swept before the race)

The poster of the 6h Roller de Paris !

The poster of the 6h Roller de Paris arrived ! Thank you to Mélanie Choisnard MC Graphiste who designed it !
Don’t forget to register on 
Prices will change in two weeks !

Registrations: prices increase in one month !

Only one month before registration prices increase !
Like last year, you may win a lot of prizes thanks to all the the sponsors of the 6h Roller de Paris !
Register on

(No title)

The program of the Challenge Endurance Grand Nord has changed! The 6h of Sainte Adresse will be postponed until the 8th October. So, this will be the last race of the challenge!

The Challenge Endurance Grand Nord is starting !

The first race of the Challenge Endurance Grand Nord will start on Sunday, with the 6h de Mont Saint Aignan !
Around 110 teams will take part to the race ! Firsts results of the challenge will come soon…


Registrations are open!

Good news: registrations for the 6h Roller de Paris are open!

This year, the procedure to register to the different races of the Challenge Endurance Grand Nord is simplified. Registrations for the 6h de Mont Saint Aignan and the 6h de Sainte Adresse are open!
You can register at the same time at the different races on !